Hallo Held, Welkom bij Heroes of work! Geen papieren? Wel motivatie! Ontdek direct een organisatie, werk of opleiding die bij je past In 3 eenvoudige stappen naar een goed inzicht 1 Je drijfveren At the moment Align your path on values and personality Hero What kind of work suits me well? If you ever ask yourself this question, you are at the right place. That is exactly what we want to guide you in. Gain insights into your own unique possibilities. Whether it is about the Organisation that suits you or the work and education that aligns well with you. Organization Having the right person in the right place in my Organisation. That is the continuing challenge in an ever-changing environment. We would like to contribute to this quest by providing assistance in a unique way. We offer insights into who someone is and their connection to your Organisation, as well as to the role they have.
2 Je persoonlijkheid
3 Je voorbeeldrolthere are 300.000 vacancies in the Netherlands, meanwhile 1.1 million people are at home that would like to work (more). There is enough supply and demand. Current solutions seem obstructing to the right connection.
1 of 6 persons in the work population has symptoms of being overly stressed. Are you doing what fits you best?
75% of workers do miss pleasure and challenge in their work which results in increased sick leave; discover your true work happiness.
workers lack insight in their own abilities and are afraid to make career choices; it is time to get insight
CHAOS. for 2 million people in the Netherlands the job market is a big traffic jam without clear signs for guidance
there are many mismatches between people and organisations
Het doel van Heroes of work is je te begeleiden op je professionele weg. Om te doen wat bij je past en voor meer werkplezier. We vieren jou als persoon en sluiten je aan op je mogelijkheden. Heroes of Work, simpelweg de kracht om te bloeien.