Frequently Asked Questions
We are curious about your questions and comments. Before you ask a question to our helpdesk, check out the frequently asked questions. These may answer your question. If your question is not resolved after this, please contact our helpdesk.
- You can register for Heroes of Work in different ways. Download the applications Heroes of Work for Apple in the app store and for Android in the Google Play app store. Next, tap ‘Join Heroes of Work’ to start the registration process.
- Using Heroes of Work is for free and not tied to conditional fees. This applies for both the Hero and the Organisation, Coach or Trainer. Heroes of Work exists by making ‘the best match’ between different users. After the creation of an employment relationship Heroes of Work will charge the Organisation, Coach or Trainer a small percentage (3% of the wage bill).
- A Hero can create a profile by indicating during the registration process that he or she wants to create a Hero account. You will then be guided through the process of filling in your profile. Filling in the profile sufficiently is necessary for making matches.
- An organisation can create a profile by indicating during the registration process that an Organisation account is wanted. At the moment the registration process of the Organisation can only be gone through via the desktop version of the platform. Via a link in your email inbox you will be forwarded to the platform, after which you can go through the registration process.
- You will then be guided through the process of filling in your profile. Filling in the profile sufficiently is necessary for making matches.
- In order to create a profile as a Hero or Organisation you need to be at least 16 years old at the moment of registration. We can send you an email reminder as soon as you comply with the age conditions.
- It is not the end of the world if you forget your password. If you have forgotten your password, click on ‘forgot password’ on the login screen. This will automatically send you an email with information about creating a new password.
- Click on ‘remember password’ when logging in to the application and the website.
- When you have allowed the password to be remembered automatically when logging in to the application and the website, you will automatically be forwarded to the matching screen when opening the application or website. This applies to all users.
- Connections are hugely important in the process of finding your route as a Hero. Connections can be made on the platform by sending an invitation between different users. After logging in, you can send a link via the menu to a contact in your network. After sending this link, someone can accept the invitation to make a Connection. After making a Connection, your Connection can provide feedback by choosing a number of cards.
- Invite your professional network to make a Connection with Heroes of Work. As User you can make new Connections as you wish.
- As a Hero you can invite your contacts and colleagues to make a Connection. Decide carefully which people in your environment can help you on your route. Be aware that all your Connections can see your personal profile and can also give feedback on the various parts of the profile. This feedback is taken into account for the Hero in the matching process.
- Each user decides which parts are public so that others can see them. Go to settings > choose a part of the profile . > change ‘visible to…’ as you wish.
- When you as a Hero accept someone else to make a Connection with him or her, you will be automatically invited to give feedback on your Connection. It may be the case that your Connection has not fully filled in his or her profile yet. At that moment there is too little information available to give feedback on.
- Click on the notification link to give feedback to your Connection. To do this, you will be directed to the profile of the Connection and you will be asked a number of questions automatically. Fill in the feedback carefully! For your feedback does not only impact the Hero personally, but also has an impact on the profile of your Connection and therefore on the matching.
- At Heroes of Work we strongly believe in helping each other on our way. The things Connections say about you serve as reliable references for your profile and for your matching.
- You can easily change your settings as you wish. In the application: menu > settings. On the website: menu > settings.
- In the application: menu > settings > notifications. Here you can change your preferences. Notifications remind you of a match or e.g. of giving feedback to a new Connection. Push messages on your mobile phone can remind you of a new development on Heroes of Work since the last time you logged in.
- Via settings you can decide what you make public for others to see. Other people can only see your profile if you add them as a Connection. Some parts of the profile are automatically public for Connections if you do not change your settings. The 4 parts of the profile: Core Values, Skills, Knowledge and Personality are always public for your Connections. For these are the parts your Connections can give feedback on.
- Giving feedback is very important at Heroes of Work. It counts for your profile and matching.
- At Heroes of Work we believe everyone is unique. We believe in your abilities and match you with Organisations that fit your profile.For a good profile, several things are important:
- The more details you provide when filling in your profile, the better we know who you are and what you are looking for.
- The more honest you are when filling in your profile, the better we can assess which job may be suitable for you.
- The better you keep your profile up-to-date by regularly changing it based on your developments, the better informed we are of your current picture.
- The better all your Connections give feedback on your profile, the better we get a verified picture of you.
2. All these parts determine what your profile looks like and also how well we can match you with others.
- Never just remove your Hero account. For a filled-in Hero profile always has value. Heroes of Work believes in life-long learning. All steps on your route are necessary and valuable. Have you decided that you want to delete your account after all? Go to: menu > settings > profile settings > delete account.
Your profile is one of the most important parts. You open your own profile by clicking on ‘profile’ in the bottom left corner. Be aware that the information on your profile is also the information which is used for Matching and Connections. links onderaan op ‘profiel’ klikken. Wees ervan bewust dat de informatie op je profiel ook de informatie is die gebruikt wordt voor Matching en Connecties
- If you have not filled in your profile yet, you will be automatically guided through the filling in process. Follow the steps carefully. Fill in your work experience, education and training. Based on this information we offer suggestions about the Knowledge and Skills you probably have.
- Did you forget something when filling in your profile? No problem. You can change your profile any time. Go to: menu > profile, and fill in the part you want to change. The more fully you fill in your profile, the better we can create a fitting picture of you.
When you feel that your profile describes you in the right way, you are ready for matching. In order to make good matches, it is important to fill in the following information:
- Fill in relevant Work Experience
- Fill in relevant Education and Training
- Fill in all the Skills you have acquired so far
- Fill in all the Knowledge you have acquired so far
- Choose your top 5 Personality Traits that fit you
- Sort the Core Values in your top 3 based on what you consider to be most important in your work.
- Fill in relevant work experience. With our matching machine, matches are made which solve the bottleneck of mismatching work experience or education and training. Heroes of Work does this by filtering all relevant information from your work experience and education/training. Therefore, the part Work Experience is only relevant if it has had an effect on your capacities (Knowledge and Skills) and your own development (Personality and Core Values).
- Start with filling in your latest or current work experience. Then indicates what the start time (month-year) was and (if you no longer work in this position) fill in an end time (month-year). It is important for good matching that you fill in all relevant work experience you want to show on your profile to Connections or future employers. We recognize many job titles. Is your job title not among the suggestions? Then choose a similar alternative. If you cannot find a good alternative, unfortunately we cannot include this experience in our suggestions for Knowledge and Skills. At the moment it is unfortunately not yet possible to add a job title the system does not recognize. The purpose of Work Experience is to allow you to map which Knowledge, Skills, Personality and Core Values you have acquired. alle relevante Werkervaring invult die je graag wilt laten zien op je profiel aan Connecties of toekomstige werkgevers. Wij herkennen veel functienamen. Zit jouw functienaam niet bij de suggesties? Kies dan voor een alternatief dat erop lijkt. Als je geen goed alternatief vindt kunnen wij helaas deze ervaring niet meenemen in onze suggesties voor Skills en Kennis. Op dit moment kun je helaas nog geen functie toevoegen die niet herkend wordt door het systeem. Werkervaring dient ervoor dat je in kaart kunt brengen welke Skills, Kennis, Persoonlijkheid en Kernwaarden je jezelf eigen hebt gemaakt.
- Fill in relevant Education and Training. With our matching machine, matches are made which solve the bottleneck of mismatching work experience or education and training. Heroes of Work does this by filtering all relevant information from your work experience and education/training. Therefore, the part Education and Training is only relevant if it has had an effect on your capacities (Knowledge and Skills) and your own development (Personality and Core Values). We can only make an assessment of these categories with professional education and training. Therefore it is not yet possible to add a secondary school experience or something other than professional education and training at the moment.
- Fill in your latest completed professional education and training first. Then indicate what the start time (month-year) was and fill in an end time (month-year). It is important for good matching that you fill in all relevant work experience you want to show on your profile to Connections or future employers. At the moment it is unfortunately not yet possible to add an Education or Training which the system does not recognize. The purpose of Education and Training is to allow you to map which Knowledge, Skills, Personality and Core Values you have acquired.
- Fill in all acquired Skills which are relevant for your profile. Skills are tasks, skills and capacities you master and can perform at the moment. Based on the Skills you fill in, we can determine which available job is suitable for you. An Organisation selects Skills and tasks from the same list which you need to have or be capable of in order to do the work. Don’t worry when you do not have all the Skills needed to do the job. We believe that you can acquire many Skills while doing the job or next to it. For instance, by following relevant Education or Training.
- Fill in all Knowledge acquired which is relevant for your profile. Knowledge consists of information, training and understanding of business you have gained up till now. Based on the Knowledge you fill in, we can assess which available job suits you. An Organisation compiles the Knowledge you need to have to do the work from the same list. Don’t worry when you do not have all Knowledge Points needed to do the job. We believe that you can acquire a great deal of Knowledge Wij geloven dat je veel Kennis kunt opdoen while doing the job or next to it. For instance by following relevant Education or Training.
- Choose your top 5 of Personality Traits which best describe you. There are 20 Personality Traits in total from which you can create your top 5. Take the time to choose your top 5 carefully. Try asking people in your environment which 5 personality traits describe you best.
- Sort your top 3 of Core Values so that they adequately describe which values you consider to be most important in your work. There are 11 Core Values in total from which a top 5 is proposed. This suggestion is derived from the rest of your profile and especially from your personality. NOt satisfied with the top 3? Then change your profile and check your suggestions for Core Values again. Take the time to sort your top 3 carefully. Try asking people in your environment which of the 3 Core Values are most important to you.
A. Matches are made based on how you create your profile and based on the available jobs. How you fill in your profile determines which matches you make. Consider the following:
- The more details you provide when filling in your profile, the better we know who you are and what you are looking for.
- The more honest you are when filling in your profile, the better we can assess which job may be suitable for you.
- The better you keep your profile updated by regularly adapting it to your developments, the better we will be informed of your current picture.
- The better all your Connections give feedback on your profile, the better we get a verified picture of you.
Are you getting hardly any (new) matches? Not to worry. This may be due to the availability of job offers at the moment.
Below your profile photo it says whether you are ‘Available’ to match or not. You can easily switch between ‘Available’ and ‘Unavailable’ at any time. If you adjust your availability, your matches will not disappear at once. No new matches will be made after this and you are therefore not available to view for new Organisations.
- Heroes of Work has developed its own matching machine. We adapt the machine to the results and developments. In this way we aim to make our machine increasingly accurate and our matches even better. A Hero is matched with an Organisation on the following profile parts:
- Availability
- Type of work, location, salary wishes, driving license etc.
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Personality
- Core Values
- Go to Here you can register as an Organisation or as a Hero. As an Organisation an account manager creates the profile. Next you will be guided through the process of creating a profile and finding new Heroes for your open job vacancies.
9. Posting a search profile
- After completely filling in your profile as an Organisation it is possible to create new search profiles. Click on the menu bar on the left: matches > search new Hero > create search profile. matches > zoek nieuwe Hero > maak zoekprofiel aan.
- A good match is only possible if the search profile has been accurately filled in by the Organisation. The more completely the search profile, the better a match can be found. Based on the profile and the search criteria matches are made. If you want to continue with this match: click on ‘interested’. Next you as Organisation will receive a more complete picture of the Hero you are interested in.
- Click on the menu bar on the left: settings. Here you can change all your settings as you wish.
- As Organisations you create a profile in which you describe what kind of business you are. For instance, we would like to the location of your office and the sector your business works in. Then you as Organisation create a search profile for a Hero. In this search profile you can indicate by means of the categories which profile matches with the Hero you are looking for. Choose Skills, Knowledge and Personality Traits from the list to do this. You will be helped with frequently occurring features for a similar vacancy.